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  • Writer's pictureKelly Miller

2023 Full Time RVing Destinations

We originally thought 2023 was going to include an RV trip to Alaska. But as we prayed and tried to make reservations, things just didn't come together for us. We continued to pray for direction and felt God telling us that we should stay a little closer to "home". So rather than heading to a destination that is a 2 week drive from the southeast, we decided to stay within a 2- 3 day drive. This month (January) we have been visiting state parks as we drive across the south towards Texas. We will spend the rest of the winter working on some projects in Texas and then in the spring we will head towards family and friends in Atlanta.

After a week with family and friends, we will spend the rest of the spring, summer and fall driving towards New England and the Great Lakes. Here are some highlights that we are super excited to see and do:

* 9 National Parks, 6 of which will be brand new to us (Congaree, New River Gorge, Cuyahoga Valley, Isle Royale, Voyagers, and The Gateway Arch)

* At least 15 State Parks (Our favorite way to camp is in state parks)

* Several National Seashores and Lakeshores (Padre Island, Assateague, Sleeping Bear, Pictured Rocks and Apostle Islands)

* Touring Philadelphia and Boston (We are not typically "big city" people but are super excited to check out these historical places this year)

* Hiking! We really love waterfall hikes and we've got a ton of them on our list this year!

* Fishing- Jonathan and I are both surprised at how much he loves fishing in his old age

* Catching up with some friends and making new ones along the way

* Working on writing our books, sharing our RVing adventures, repairing RV's and preparing ourselves for what God may have for us in 2024

We can only plan for so much and then life will throw us a curve ball. We do the best that we can with the information we have at the time; and we rely on God to prepare the way and our hearts for what He has for our future.

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